SPLA Products


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Microsoft Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA)

The Microsoft Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA) is for organizations that want to offer hosted software and services to end customers, such as Web hosting, hosted applications, messaging, collaboration and platform infrastructure.

SPLA partners have the ability to deliver a customized service with a flexible cost structure, which excludes startup costs and long terms of commitment.mer – find out what they want and give it to them.

SPLA provides the license rights to host specific Microsoft software.

Licenses acquired under an SPLA are monthly subscription licenses and are available under the following three models:

Per Subscriber

A subscriber access license (SAL) is required for each unique individual user or device that is authorized to access or otherwise use the licensed products. With the SAL option, you do not need a separate server license.

Per Processor

Each Processor License allows an unlimited number of users to access the product that is installed on the server without a separate SAL. Examples of products licensed through a per-processor model are Windows Server and Microsoft Dynamics ERP Products (e.g. NAV, GP).

Per Core

Each Core License (CL) allows an unlimited number of users to access the server software installed on the server without a separate SAL with a determined number of physical cores for products licensed through a per-core model.

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