How is the Cloud Object Storage helping your business respond to the EU's General Regulation ?

Of course we are talking about the Personal Data Protection (GDPR)

GDPR: what it is and to whom it applies ?
 In May 2016, the European Parliament published the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679, which is compulsory in each member state starting 25 May 2018. The intention is a stronger data protection for individuals within the European Union, and a unified regulation of the export of personal data outside the EU.

So, how are we connected?

 IT systems capabilities and IT systems software are affected by GDPR when used for processing personal data since GDPR defines precise measures around storing and processing these types of data.

More specifically :

  • Measures to support the "right to erasure" and irrecoverable deletion of personal data.  

  • Measures to restore the availability and access to data in the event of a data breach, with an obligation to notify authorities of the breach.

  • An obligation to notify affected individuals of any data breach.

  • Measures to ensure resilience of systems and services processing data.

  •  Frequent testing of the effectiveness of the security measures.

GMX TEC offers infrastructure/software solutions and assistance for your GDPR assessment activities regarding these aspects.

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 GMX TEC storage helps mitigate the risk of data breach from uncontrolled media access.

Media encryption, file deletion by re-keying, and the all-or-nothing transform help mitigate risks associated with fraudulent hardware level access. Without demonstrably appropriate data protection, any accidental or unlawful personal data breach results in a mandatory notification to each and every affected individual

GMX TEC storage assists you in protecting personal information by controlling its physical copies through the lifecycle.

Besides data breaches, GDPR also outlines potential consequences for failures to fulfil the "right to erasure" and the irrecoverable deletion of specific personal data sets.

It is therefore advisable to track storage-level copies from application data, and to avoid stray copies that may contain personal user information.

GDPR is a process-oriented regulation, therefore do not rely solely on "GDPR-compliant" product stickers. Data management tools will better support you meeting your obligations while processing personal data.